Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jenga 7.0 - 1

[Symbiosis] + Pinnacle = Synergy

An additional opportunity has presented itself; another merger, creating two teams of twelve, totaling 12 units 24 stories. We scheduled a charette immediately. It's obvious right off that we must have 100% organization for this project to be a completed success.

I'd hope that we would be able to do more cross training; however, with the healthy list of deliverables, most of the team members are showing resistance to the thought. As it stands, our plan is to spread talent in the areas they're best suited. Upon completion of assigned responsibilities, it is then, that we encourage talents to meet for exposure in less familiar areas.

We're off to a great start.

Our group's name is: Synergy: (the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects)

Synergy's concept: reoccurring experiences, from openness to sheltered environments while embracing the natural resources of the land in building material, i.e. (tungsten, copper, creama marfil)

Location: Vic, Spain

Spanish translation SINERGIA (hence site location)

initial thoughts for design:

We unanimously agreed to lose any pronounced elements of our previous structures. It was important to everyone to start ANEW. After several sketches and hours of conversing, we all agreed to something like the above images.

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